const vec3 = require('../vec3')
* Represents a plane in 3D coordinate space as determined by a normal (perpendicular to the plane)
* and distance from 0,0,0.
* The contents of the array are a normal [0,1,2] and a distance [3].
* @see
* @typedef {Array} plane
* Create a new plane from the given normal and point values.
* @param {plane} out - receiving plane
* @param {vec3} normal - directional vector
* @param {vec3} point - origin of plane
* @returns {plane} out
* @alias module:modeling/maths/plane.fromNormalAndPoint
const fromNormalAndPoint = (out, normal, point) => {
const u = vec3.normalize(vec3.create(), normal)
const w =, u)
out[0] = u[0]
out[1] = u[1]
out[2] = u[2]
out[3] = w
return out
module.exports = fromNormalAndPoint