const flatten = require('../../utils/flatten')
const geom2 = require('../../geometries/geom2')
const geom3 = require('../../geometries/geom3')
const path2 = require('../../geometries/path2')
const measureBoundingBox = require('../../measurements/measureBoundingBox')
const { translate } = require('./translate')
const centerGeometry = (options, object) => {
const defaults = {
axes: [true, true, true],
relativeTo: [0, 0, 0]
const { axes, relativeTo } = Object.assign({}, defaults, options)
const bounds = measureBoundingBox(object)
const offset = [0, 0, 0]
if (axes[0]) offset[0] = relativeTo[0] - (bounds[0][0] + ((bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0]) / 2))
if (axes[1]) offset[1] = relativeTo[1] - (bounds[0][1] + ((bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1]) / 2))
if (axes[2]) offset[2] = relativeTo[2] - (bounds[0][2] + ((bounds[1][2] - bounds[0][2]) / 2))
return translate(offset, object)
* Center the given objects using the given options.
* @param {Object} options - options for centering
* @param {Array} [options.axes=[true,true,true]] - axis of which to center, true or false
* @param {Array} [options.relativeTo=[0,0,0]] - relative point of which to center the objects
* @param {...Object} objects - the objects to center
* @return {Object|Array} the centered object, or a list of centered objects
* @alias module:modeling/
* @example
* let myshape = center({axes: [true,false,false]}, sphere()) // center about the X axis
const center = (options, ...objects) => {
const defaults = {
axes: [true, true, true],
relativeTo: [0, 0, 0]
// TODO: Add additional 'methods' of centering: midpoint, centroid
const { axes, relativeTo } = Object.assign({}, defaults, options)
objects = flatten(objects)
if (objects.length === 0) throw new Error('wrong number of arguments')
if (relativeTo.length !== 3) throw new Error('relativeTo must be an array of length 3')
options = { axes, relativeTo }
const results = => {
if (path2.isA(object)) return centerGeometry(options, object)
if (geom2.isA(object)) return centerGeometry(options, object)
if (geom3.isA(object)) return centerGeometry(options, object)
return object
return results.length === 1 ? results[0] : results
* Center the given objects about the X axis.
* @param {...Object} objects - the objects to center
* @return {Object|Array} the centered object, or a list of centered objects
* @alias module:modeling/transforms.centerX
const centerX = (...objects) => center({ axes: [true, false, false] }, objects)
* Center the given objects about the Y axis.
* @param {...Object} objects - the objects to center
* @return {Object|Array} the centered object, or a list of centered objects
* @alias module:modeling/transforms.centerY
const centerY = (...objects) => center({ axes: [false, true, false] }, objects)
* Center the given objects about the Z axis.
* @param {...Object} objects - the objects to center
* @return {Object|Array} the centered object, or a list of centered objects
* @alias module:modeling/transforms.centerZ
const centerZ = (...objects) => center({ axes: [false, false, true] }, objects)
module.exports = {