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en:design_guide_conversions [2021/06/10 01:48]
JSCAD Editor
en:design_guide_conversions [2022/05/03 06:54] (current)
JSCAD Editor
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 Extruding a two dimensional shape into a three dimensional shape can be performed in various ways. In each extrusion process, a continuous three dimensional shape is formed with a constant cross section similar to that of the two dimensional shape. Extruding a two dimensional shape into a three dimensional shape can be performed in various ways. In each extrusion process, a continuous three dimensional shape is formed with a constant cross section similar to that of the two dimensional shape.
 +//NOTE: In order for extrusions to produce correct shapes, the initial two dimensional shape must have the proper orientation. See [[en:math_guide_orientation|Orientation]] below.//
 {{page>design_guide_linear_extrude}} {{page>design_guide_linear_extrude}}
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 ===== Projections ===== ===== Projections =====
-tbw+The projection of a shape is a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional object. In this case, the projection is a parallel projection where the lines of projection are parallel, i.e. the projection is the same whether the shape is far away or near to the projection plane. 