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Rectangular Extrude

 Extrude Rectangular

Extrude a rectangle (upright, perpendicular) along the outlines of the two dimensional shape.

The two dimensional shape is extruded to the height, upwards along the Z axis.

Note: The extrusion process uses Linear Extrude underneath, so the extrusion can be rotated twistAngle about the Z axis during the extrusion, creating twistSteps during the extrusion.


  • size: 1 (width of rectangle during extrusion)
  • height : 1
const myshape = extrudeRectangular({height: radiusZ * 2, size: 0.25}, shape1)
const myshape = extrudeRectangular({height: radiusZ * 2, size: 3, twistAngle: Math.PI / 2, twistSteps: 10}, shape2)