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Shape Operations

Boolean Operations

The 'booleans' are accessed through the modeling API using the following:

const { union, intersect, scission, subtract } = require('@jscad/modeling').booleans
Operation Notes
const newshape = intersect(oldshape0, oldshape1) API
const newshape = subtract(oldshape0, oldshape1) API
const newshape = union(oldshape0, oldshape1) API
const newshapes = scission(bigshape) API

Hull Operations

The 'hulls' are accessed through the modeling API using the following:

const { hull, hullChain } = require('@jscad/modeling').hulls
Operation Notes
const newshape = hull(oldshape0, oldshape1) API
const newshape = hullChain(oldshape0, oldshape1) API