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en:design_guide_polygon [2022/05/03 06:50]
JSCAD Editor
en:design_guide_polygon [2022/05/03 06:53] (current)
JSCAD Editor
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 //NOTE: The ordering of points is VERY IMPORTANT. If the polygon is going to be extruded then the points must be in counter-clockwise order, otherwise the faces of the object will be facing inwards. See [[en:math_guide_orientation|Orientation]].// //NOTE: The ordering of points is VERY IMPORTANT. If the polygon is going to be extruded then the points must be in counter-clockwise order, otherwise the faces of the object will be facing inwards. See [[en:math_guide_orientation|Orientation]].//
 +//HINT: Polygons should have a positive area.//
 The following show examples of creating polygons from a list of points. The following show examples of creating polygons from a list of points.