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en:quick_reference_shapes [2020/11/29 07:09]
JSCAD Editor
en:quick_reference_shapes [2022/05/03 07:13] (current)
JSCAD Editor [2D Primitives]
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 </code> </code>
-=== 2D Primitives ===+==== 2D Primitives ====
 ^  Primitive  ^  Notes  ^ ^  Primitive  ^  Notes  ^
-| const mypath = arc({center: [2, 2], radius: 2, startAngle: Math.PI, endAngle: Math.PI * 2, segments: 64})  | [[ | API documentation]] | +| const mypath = arc({center: [2, 2], radius: 2, startAngle: Math.PI, endAngle: Math.PI * 2, segments: 64})  | [[ | API]] | 
-| const myshape = circle({center: [6.5, 6.5], radius: 3.5, startAngle: Math.PI / 2, endAngle: Math.PI, segments: 64})  | [[en:design_guide_ellipse | User Guide]] [[ | API]]  | +| const myshape = circle({center: [6.5, 6.5], radius: 3.5, startAngle: Math.PI / 2, endAngle: Math.PI, segments: 64})  | [[en:design_guide_ellipse | User Guide]] [[ | API]]  | 
-| const myshape = ellipse({center: [6.5, 6.5], radius: [7, 9], startAngle: Math.PI / 2, endAngle: Math.PI, segments: 64})  | [[ | API documentation]]  | +| const myshape = ellipse({center: [6.5, 6.5], radius: [7, 9], startAngle: Math.PI / 2, endAngle: Math.PI, segments: 64})  | [[ | API]]  | 
-| const mypath = line([ [10, 10], [-10, 10] ])  | [[ | API documentation]]  | +| const mypath = line([ [10, 10], [-10, 10] ])  | [[ | API]]  | 
-| const myshape = polygon({ points: [ [10, 11], [0, 11], [5, 20] ], paths: [0, 1, 2]})  | [[ | API documentation]]  | +| const myshape = polygon({ points: [ [10, 11], [0, 11], [5, 20] ], paths: [0, 1, 2]})  | [[ | API]]  | 
-| const myshape = rectangle({center: [6.5, 6.5], size: [10, 20]})  | [[ | API documentation]]  | +| const myshape = rectangle({center: [6.5, 6.5], size: [10, 20]})  | [[ | API]]  | 
-| const myshape = roundedRectangle({center: [6.5, 6.5], size: [10, 20], roundRadius: 2, segments: 64})  | [[ | API documentation]]  | +| const myshape = roundedRectangle({center: [6.5, 6.5], size: [10, 20], roundRadius: 2, segments: 64})  | [[ | API]]  | 
-| const myshape = square({center: [6.5, 6.5], size: 10})  | [[ | API documentation]]  | +| const myshape = square({center: [6.5, 6.5], size: 10})  | [[ | API]]  | 
-| const myshape = star({vertices: 8, outerRadius: 10}) /* star with 8/2 density */  | [[ | API documentation]]  | +| const myshape = star({vertices: 8, outerRadius: 10}) /* star with 8/2 density */  | [[ | API]]  | 
-| const myshape = star({vertices: 12, outerRadius: 40, innerRadius: 20}) /* star with given radius */  | [[ | API documentation]]  |+| const myshape = star({vertices: 12, outerRadius: 40, innerRadius: 20}) /* star with given radius */  | [[ | API]]  | 
 +| const myshape = triangle({type: 'AAS', values: [degToRad(62), degToRad(35), 7]})  | [[ | API]]  |
- +==== 3D Primitives ====
-=== 3D Primitives ===+
 ^  Primitive  ^  Notes  ^ ^  Primitive  ^  Notes  ^
-| const myshape = cube({center: [6.5, 6.5, 6.5], size: 7})  | [[ | API documentation]]   | +| const myshape = cube({center: [6.5, 6.5, 6.5], size: 7})  | [[ | API]]   | 
-| const myshape = cuboid({center: [6.5, 6.5, 6.5], size: [3, 5, 7]})  | [[ | API documentation]]   | +| const myshape = cuboid({center: [6.5, 6.5, 6.5], size: [3, 5, 7]})  | [[ | API]]   | 
-| const myshape = cylinder({center: [-5, -5, -5], height: 10, radius: 4, segments: 5})  | [[ | API documentation]]   | +| const myshape = cylinder({center: [-5, -5, -5], height: 10, radius: 4, segments: 5})  | [[ | API]]   | 
-| const myshape = cylinderElliptic({center: [-5, -5, -5], height: 10, startRadius: [1, 2], endRadius: [2, 1], startAngle: Math.PI / 2, endAngle: Math.PI * 2 * 0.75, segments: 5})  | [[ | API documentation]]   | +| const myshape = cylinderElliptic({center: [-5, -5, -5], height: 10, startRadius: [1, 2], endRadius: [2, 1], startAngle: Math.PI / 2, endAngle: Math.PI * 2 * 0.75, segments: 5})  | [[ | API]]   | 
-| const myshape = ellipsoid({center: [-5, -5, -5], radius: [4, 6, 8], segments: 64})  | [[ | API documentation]]   | +| const myshape = ellipsoid({center: [-5, -5, -5], radius: [4, 6, 8], segments: 64})  | [[ | API]]   | 
- +| const myshape = geodesicSphere({radius: 15, frequency: 18})  | [[ API]]   
-[[ | Issues]] +| const myshape polyhedron({pointsmypointsfaces: myfacesorientation'inward'})  | [[ | API]]   
- +| const myshape roundedCuboid({center: [-5-5, -5], size: [102010], roundRadius: 2, segments: 16})  | [[ API]]   
-| +| const myshape roundedCylinder({center: [-5-5-5], height10, radius: 2, roundRadius0.5segments16})  | [[ API]]   | 
-^  2D Primitives  ^  3D Primitives  ^ +| const myshape sphere({center: [-5-5-5], radius: 5, })  | [[ | API]]   
-| const rectangle square(); **/* center[0,0]size[1,1] */**  const cube1 = cube(); **/* center: [0,0,0], size[1,1,1] */**  +| const myshape torus({innerRadius: 10, outerRadius: 100innerSegments: 32outerSegments8innerRotationMath.PIstartAngleMath.PI})  | [[ API]]   |
-| const rectangle square({center: [1,2], size: [12]});  | const cube1 = cube({center: [12, 3], size[1, 2, 3]}) | +
-| const rectangle = square({round: true}); **/* center: [0,0], radius: [1,1], roundradius0.2, resolution: 32 */**  const cube1 = cube({round: true}); **/* center: [0,0,0], radius: [1,1,1roundradius: 0.2, resolution: 12 */**  +
-| const rectangle square({center: [1,2]radius: [1, 2],roundedtrue, fn:32});  | const cube1 = cube({center: [0, 0, 0], radius: 2, roundtruefn32}) | +
-| const circle1 = circle(); **/* center: [0,0], r: [1,1], resolution32 */**  | const sphere1 = sphere(); **/* center: [0,0,0], r: 1, fn: 12 */**  | +
-| const circle1 = circle({center: [1,2], r: 3, resolution: 72});  | const sphere1 = sphere({center: [1, 2, 3], r: 4, fn: 36});  | +
-|  | const cylinder1 = cylinder();   | +
-| ::: | const cylinder CSG.cylinder({start: [123], end[4, 5, 6], radiusStart: 7, radiusEnd: 8, resolution: 72}) | +
-::: | const cylinder = CSG.roundedCylinder(); **/* start: [0,-1,0], end: [0,1,0], radius: 1, resolution: 12 */**  +
-| ::: | const cylinder CSG.roundedCylinder({start[10,11,12]end[13,14,15], radius16resolution6}) | +
-| const ellipse = CAG.ellipse({center: [5,5], radius: [10,20],resolution72}); | const cylinder = cylinder({r1: 10, r2: 20, fn: 16}); | +
-| const cag = CAG.fromPoints([ [0,0],[5,0],[3,5],[0,5] ]); **/* polygon with 3+ points */**  | const csg = CSG.fromPolygons([polygon, ...]);  | +
-| const cag = CAG.fromSides([side,...]); **/* polygon with 1+ sides */**  ::: | +