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The 'extrusions' are accessed through the modeling API using the following:

const { extrudeLinear, extrudeRegtangular, extrudeRotate, project  } = require('@jscad/modeling').extrusions
Extrusion of 2D Shapes Notes
const newshape = extrudeLinear({height: 20, twistAngle: Math.PI, twistSteps: 20}, oldshape)) API
const newshape = extrudeRectangular({size: 3, height: 15}, oldshape) API
const newshape = extrudeRotate({startAngle: Math.PI, angle: Math.PI / 2, overflow: 'cap', segments: 64}, oldshape) API
const newshape = project({axis: [0, 0, 1], origin: [0, 0, 0]}, oldshape) API