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General Functions
The 'colors' are accessed through the modeling API using the following:
const { colorize, hexToRgb } = require('@jscad/modeling').colors
Function | Notes |
let newshape = colorize([1, 0, 0], oldshape) | API |
let newshape = colorize(colorNameToRgb('lightblue'), oldshape) | API |
let newshape = colorize(hexToRgb('#000080'), oldshape) | API |
let newshape = colorize(hslToRgb([0.9166666666666666, 1, 0.5]), oldshape) | API |
let newshape = colorize(hsvToRgb([0.9166666666666666, 1, 1]), oldshape) | API |
The 'utils' are accessed through the modeling API using the following:
const { radToDeg, degToRad } = require('@jscad/modeling').utils